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Is the controller remap really bad ?

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I seen a thread here and someone said if you use antimacro or any software to remap it the aimbot would lag or not work at all. Is this really the case ? I’m really interested in buying this but I don’t want to waste money if the cheese doesn’t really work that well at all with controller remapping 

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Thank you for reaching out to us.
1. We support controller through remapping software such as anticmicro. You need to remap few keys and that's it. We also have full instructional video on how to setup controller which you can follow along step by step. 
2. You only have to use remapping method if you want to use aimbot. All other features are supported natively with controller.

You can try week subscription at first to test it out and if you encounter any issues let us know. You can also contact us on discord for more information.
Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/

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