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  4. Hello, COD: BO6 is online and ready to use for BETA. As a continue effort to provide best experience to our users we have decided to give free BETA access to COD: Black Ops 6 for all of our current COD: MW3/WZ3 users.
  5. Currently no paypal because we are a cheat seller and PayPal bans cheat sellers. You can use your credit card here: https://aimexcheats.com/board/store/ Those payments are one-time payments (without renewals) and we dont store any credit card informations.
  6. How do i use paypal? Where is that payment option?
  7. Last week
  8. Hello, out of curiosity I would like to ask if there is any ETA on bo6 release (if there is no ETA will it be ready for the public BETA or not really). Thank you for answer and I wish you a nice day. ^^
  9. I have used PO before coming to aimex and to be honest i like aimex more because of the community and customization feature. Its just a great thing to have a quick chat in discord if something isnt working or if need help, i cant say about internal code but features are almost same and i also havent been shadow ban
  10. Hello y'all. I was wondering. I am a PO user, still am but PO is getting to known. I'd like to switch to someone more lowkey. I've heard that the developer is equally skilled as the one from PO. What is the difference between PO and Aimex? I already thank you in advance for clearing things out for me.
  11. Hello, @Diabloblancojr Look under cheat panel >> loader key. Let us know if you need any further assistance.
  12. Earlier
  13. It is 2 different email adresses for login in, but same cod account. I am not banned, just dont want to flag my steam account if i get caught on bnet.
  14. Hello, @mediacheck123 If you use same email address for both steam and battle net ban status will not get change.
  15. Hi, maybe someone could answer this for me. I've been playing first on steam mw3 and later moved to bnet, now i know if you get banned it will show on both accounts, but if i remove the game from steam would it still show that i got banned? I am not currently banned, just trying not get affect my main steam account.
  16. You must have active subscription in order to use our product.
  17. If i had already deleted the AIMEX files on my computer is there a way i could redownload the files without having to pay?
  18. Hello, @michaelb44 Enable windows security again by running the AIMEX AIOR file and click on enable windows security in the end to get it back turn on. -You can also download Defender Control from here: https://www.sordum.org/9480/defender-control-v2-0/ (Run the file and click on enable windows security).
  19. How to i turn my defender antivirus back on after deleting cheats?
  20. Hello, @simone.1994 When you get ban, game flags your HWID. Spoofer helps to remove that HWID ban/flag. Spoofer is not necessary unless you are HWID ban/flag. We do not sell spoofer. It's always recommended to use good permanent spoofer if you want to start fresh. Contact us on discord for more information. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
  21. hi, before shop mw3 cheat i need shop spoofer ?
  22. Hello, @armando14 We do not sell spoofer. It's always recommended to use good permanent spoofer if you are HWID ban. You can look at sync.top for permanent spoofer. You can also contact us on discord more information. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
  23. Hello, We do not sell BF2042. COD: MW3/WZ3 is online and available to purchase. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
  24. i need a chair for b2042 i had advance and they got detected on first day anoying i need something better. i want a 1 month key.
  25. Hello, We are making changes at the moment. It will be up soon ETA: Within a week. Contact us on discord for more information. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
  26. Hi, I'm trying to buy the Apex Legends cheat. Is it updating or is it gone forever?
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