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  3. I tried PO and some others in the past along with Aimex. To be honest, i did get a discount on lifetime in the past so it might be biased. For myself i like Aimex the most because of the support they offer. Its just a great thing to have a quick chat in discord if something isnt working or i if need help. Everything else is probably the same i cant speak about the technical part. Im not banned on the same account since their MW3 release playing like 1-2 hours a day, every day.
  4. Last week
  5. Hello, COD: MW3/WZ3 is updated and ready to use for new season. We were working on making the changes and improving loader security. You can join our discord server to get latest game updates. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
  6. ZeuZ

    need help

    Hello, As per our logs you already have access to COD: MW3/WZ3. Loader and Instructions: https://aimexcheats.com/board/cheatpanel/download/ Loader Key: https://aimexcheats.com/board/cheatpanel/subscriptions/ We also have full instructional video on how to setup the loader. Its easy to follow along and requires no special changes. You can also contact us on discord for further assistance and we will be happy to help you. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
  7. need help as im new here. any support ?
  8. I am just wondering if the software is currently running and updated for season 4? I have been elsewhere for a bit, and I am looking for my new place. After a bunch of research, this seems to be the spot to be. I am just wondering if everything is already updated for season 4?
  9. Hello, We support controller through remapping software (antimicro). We have full video on how to setup controller and you need to remap few keys in order to use aimbot. ESP works natively with controller. You can also contact us on discord for further assistance and we will be happy to help you. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
  10. Hello everyone my PC arrives today and I will be joining the community I wish to know how to connect my controller?
  11. I’m currently a PO user and looking to find a more sustainable long term option for using cheats. I’m just curious what the difference in terms of security does AC have and has there been detection in the past? Both providers seem to deliver an undetected solution but I have little information about how AC is better in different areas that PO lacks. My priority is knowing whether the provider is taking all the required steps to keep their clients informed of any changes (silent anti cheat injections) that poses a risk to playing in game and have measures and safe guards in place to eliminate those risks. Thank You in advance.
  12. Hello, Yes, we support all MW3 multiplayer and warzone game modes. Contact us on discord for more information. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
  13. Hey guys, Does the MW3/Warzone3 cheat also work for the Mw3 multiplayer private match?
  14. Hello, You need to use loader key in the cheat loader. Go to cheat panel and click on loader key. You can also contact us on discord for further assistance and we will be happy to help you. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
  15. Got all the files going run the cheat loader then it says enter key. The one that got emailed to me does not work so not sure what to do. pls help
  16. Hello, @vill As per our logs you already got access. Look under cheat panel for loader and instructions. You can also contact us on discord for further assistance and we will be happy to help you. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
  17. I got an email receipt saying I purchased but there is no activation key? Where is my key?
  18. Earlier
  19. Hello, We have additional security for card purchases to avoid fraudulent charges. You can call your bank to approve the transaction. Watch this video if you want to purchase with crypto: You can also contact us on discord for alternative payment methods. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
  20. Hello, @NeonHusky @Bludline Join our discord server from here: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/ If you encounter any issues let us know.
  21. So apparently my bank doesn't allow this transaction, if I was still interested in going the credit/debit card route, would I be able to use something like a master card/visa type gift card to make the purchase? I've never purchased any type of crypto currency so I'm not really sure how to even get all that started.
  22. any1 got a link or something trying to buy it, wanting access to the discord tho.
  23. i need discord link says invalid
  24. Trying to make life time purchase have open ticket on discord thank you
  25. Hello, @BOND007 After the successful payment, an email is sent to your registered email address with all instructions and activation key. Instructions are pretty simple and no need for special changes. Basically download and run. If you need any assistance setting it up, we will be happy to help you via screen share or team viewer. You can also contact us on discord. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
  26. i haven't dug to much into this website but just curious is it easy to install ? i think thats why so many people stick to EO becuase its just so simple, tried battleco and it was super complicated. I know very little about pc's so just want something thats very easy to install, not trying to go into my settings and change all type of code or anything like that. If simple or don't mind helping ill be happy to become a customer for life most likely. TIA
  27. Hello, @RudiVoller 1. COD: MW3/WZ3 is undetected since release and we test it after each update to ensure safety. If you rage or get reported too much by other players, you can get shadow ban but since we are undetected your shadow ban will get lifted. 2. Once you purchase and insert the key in loader, your time will start. Its subscription based service like Netflix or amazon prime. Once you purchase it doesn't matter if you use it for few hours or whole full month. I hope you understand. 3. We don't provide one day key because of security reasons and to maintain userbase. You can purchase week subscription to test it out. After the successful payment, an email is sent to your registered email address with all instructions and activation key. Instructions are pretty simple and no need for special changes. Basically download and run. If you need any assistance setting it up, we will be happy to help you via screen share or team viewer. You can also contact us on discord for more information. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
  28. Thank you very much for taking the time! Shadow ban would be the worst case? I will play legit, just only with Wallhacks/ESP 😄 ------------------------------------------------------ I will do so, seems to be the safest option! Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------- My last question is. I play only on weekends. I want to buy the one month package, will the time run down, even when I am offline? There are times, I am not even home and not able to play. Could you give me some insights? Would suck if the time is running down and I am not able to use the cheat. Thats why I asked for a one day key :D Thanks!
  29. Hello, @nspants We have discontinued COD: MW (2019), COD: Vanguard and COD: Cold War to focus on new game titles. This decision allows us to channel our efforts into delivering new games and better user experience. COD: MW3/WZ3 is online and available for purchase. Contact us on discord for more information. Discord: https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/
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