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Everything posted by jmb195

  1. Aim speed is how fast the aimbot will start to lock onto the enemy. The higher the number the faster it'll lock on. Go into a custom match with bots and turn it on 100 and mess around with your liking of wanting to "Rage" hack or adjust to playing "legit". Draw distance, is how are you want the cheat to draw enemies like distance. The less of the number the closer the enemies have to be for it to draw them, if they are a lot further the greater the distance number the more it'll display those further enemies. Thanks,
  2. See I don't play CW let alone haven't even played it all. So unsure on Anti Micro working on it and have seen people say it doesn't in this thread but then again in my thought they could maybe be setting up Anti Micro wrong. However for Modern Warfare I can definitely assist if your having issues there. Thanks, I can help you in Discord my discord name is MikeyFnBrennan#8425. You can tag me in the Aimex discord or message me privately Thanks,
  3. Are you playing Modern Warfare or Cold War? Thanks,
  4. I know when I play MW multiplayer if im using the cheat with Antimirco it'll say the same thing but it still works. You mind joining in on Aimex discord and jumping into a voice channel? I'll see if I can help. Thanks,
  5. Yes this doesn't cause any issues like Rewasd etc.
  6. Hello, Is this for MW warzone or cold war? I haven't played cold war but this will definitely work w/ the MW cheat just make sure to retest and make sure aimbot is set to "angle". You won't notice much on "mouse" aimbot. Thanks,
  7. No your fine I just was a bit confused but had an idea. Enjoy Aimex!
  8. Kind of weirdly worded but I think I know what your asking.. With AnitMico (ON) regardless because you selected in game your input to be controller it won't ever change regardless if you hit the bind(s) that are registered to a kb/m key. So if you close your game and re open, it'll still be on whatever input you desire. Me, game opens every time on controller. Thanks,
  9. Currently "angle" aimbot doesn't work. You'll notice a sticky feeling with "mouse" aimbot.
  10. Actually yes there is a topic I just started that'll explain a full on "how to" do so without paying for like xpaddle etc.
  11. (Setup) Controller to use the aimbot feature with this cheat provider / any provider. In order to activate any button on your controller as an aimkey for any of the products you purchase you can download “Antimicro” as it’s free unlike xpaddle. Simply download and any controller you have plugged in, the program will display the function of buttons you push. This will work with XIM APEX players as well. To setup your triggers you have “L Trigger” and “R Trigger” assign by right clicking and adding whatever you desire to be a function. Me, I have “L Trigger” as my “4” which would be to aim down sight and I also have “R trigger” as “5”. This is the firing button on your controller. You can set them to any buttons you desire. Once you set whatever button you want to any specific key just “save as” and (always run) the application when your playing. https://gyazo.com/3632833946346e2afdd0a286848d9932 https://imgur.com/ICYwVHw https://imgur.com/Ouaq0Ya
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