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Everything posted by Shrekt

  1. Just press ALT when aiming to an enemy.
  2. they do ban hwid if they caught you cheating multiple times. warzone cheat and hwid spoofer is being sold separately.
  3. It should work. If you're in doubt. Feel free to submit a ticket on discord.
  4. HWID Spoofer is currently down for update.
  5. No, you need to buy a new subs for COD WZ.
  6. Hi, you can check the status here: https://aimexcheats.com/live-status
  7. You may check the Detection History here:
  8. Here: https://aimexcheats.com/board/settings/panel/
  9. There's always a risk of getting banned when using illegal software. Its better if you use it on an alt account. And most of the users here has no problem with the injection. If you have any issue regarding to that, feel free to join the discord channel and create a ticket.
  10. It is not allowed to use it on multiple PCs.
  11. Join discord man, https://aimexcheats.com/board/discord/invite/general/ and create a ticket.
  12. Google Translate: hello or I can download the spoofer I just bought I bought the spoofer but I forgot to connect without wanting it how I do it. Go here: https://aimexcheats.com/board/settings/panel/ or if you have any issue, please join the discord and create a ticket there.
  13. Hi, yes. It is safe to use credit card option. If you're unsure, you may try the other payment option such as Paypal or Cryptocurrency.
  14. Maybe your bank doesn't let you pay via card. You may use other payment option like Cryptocurrency.
  15. Which game you are referring to?
  16. They will announce it on discord once its updated. So for the meantime you will need more patience.
  17. In that case, you need to create a ticket on discord so the staff will be able to help you out.
  18. The info you're looking for is here: Cod wz media:
  19. It is possible to use it. As long as it using a USB port.
  20. It is pretty basic. If you wanna cheat but youre hwid banned, just buy the spoofer and buy the cheat. But if you dont want to cheat, and u want to play legit, just buy the spoofer. those two products can be bought separately just like @theqnx said. if you're still unsure what to buy, don't hesitate to create a ticket on discord and get some help from the staff.
  21. Cheat is external, less risk of getting banned and it is streamproof ( meaning you can stream while cheat is on). Lastly, warzone cheat is undetected since release.
  22. Here's the customers area : https://aimexcheats.com/board/settings/panel/
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